How to Search For Backlinks in Google?


Web administrators have the chance how to search for backlinks in Google. Advanced search operators can be highly beneficial to effectively find link-building opportunities using Google. These operators help you narrow down your hunt to find the most relevant and valuable sites for your link-building campaigns. Cloud Vertix flourishes a concise guide to using Google search operators for link prospecting. You will be able to search for backlinks in Google to address your backlink strategy accordingly. 

Steps to Find Backlinks in Google

1. Know the Basic Search Operators 

 site – Limits search results to a specific site. For example, “”. 

 intitle – Finds pages with specified words in the title. For example, “intitleSEO tips”. 

  inurl – Searches for URLs containing specific keywords. For example, inurlresources. 

2. Combine Operators for Specific Searches 

 To find resource pages on SEO tips, you could use 
   intitle“SEO tips” inurlresources 

3. Use Operators for Different Types of Searches 

  Resource Pages 

   intitle”sales” inurlresources 

   Guest Posting Opportunities 

    intitle“guest post” inurl”write-for-us”  

4. Use Tools to Automate Operator Creation 

   – Tools like the one at “” can help generate these operators automatically, saving time. 

5. Practical Example 

If you’re looking for sales resources, input 


 This will return pages with sales resources in the title and URL to turn them into potential link-building targets. 


How to Browse and Extract Results?

1. Get to Use Chrome Extensions 

We recommend you install extensions like G Infinity to auto-load additional search results pages as you scroll. This will make it easier to view more prospects at once. 

2. Bulk Copy URLs 

 You can also use tools or browser extensions to copy URLs in bulk for your outreach list. 

How to Work on Google Application?

1. Find Resource Pages 

  • Go to the Linkio search operators tool. 

  • Enter `sales` as the keyword. 

  • Set filters like articles published in the last year and 100 results per page. 

  • Select an operator like `intitlesales inurlresources` and run the search. 

  • Use the G Infinity extension to scroll and load more results. 

  • Copy URLs for your link-building outreach. 

2. Guest Posting Prospects 

  • Enter a keyword like “sales”. 

  • Use an operator like intitlesales “become a guest blogger”. 

  • Review results and copy URLs of sites that accept guest posts for your outreach campaign. 


You can examine your link prospecting efforts by using these advanced search operators and tools. Cloud Vertix strategizes to make it easier to find relevant opportunities and efficiently manage your outreach campaigns. 

What Types of Links You Can Find in Google?

 Types of Links 

1. External Links are links from other websites pointing to your site. They are critical for building authority and driving traffic. 

2. Internal Links are links within your website, connecting different pages. They help with site navigation and distributing link equity. 

Benefits of Analyzing Links

  1. You need to improve SEO by understanding your link profile. It will help you identify opportunities for improvement. 
  2. You can identify Top Linking Pages to See which pages are getting the most backlinks. 
  3. Analyze Link Sources Discover to know where your links are coming from, finding backlinks can inform your outreach strategy. 

Way to Explore the Links Section in Google Search Console

1. External Links 

  • Top Linked Pages Shows the pages on your site with the most external links. 

  • Total External Links The total number of backlinks pointing to your site. 

  • Linking Sites Lists the websites that are linking to your site the most. 

2. Internal Links 

    Top Linked Pages Displays the pages within your site that have the most internal links. 

3. How to Find Top Linking Sites 

 You can determine the most significant sources of backlinks to your site. 

For example, your top linking sites might include popular platforms like,, etc. 

4. Linking Text 

This can help you understand the context in which your links are being placed to identify potential spammy links. Anchor Text Shows the text used in the links pointing to your site. 

 Suppose you have 443 total external links from various sites like `` and ``. This means these sites are contributing significantly to your backlink profile. 


Cloud Vertix is here to analyze your backlink in Google Search Console in closing thoughts. Our SEO services are vital for maintaining a healthy SEO strategy. We use the data to optimize your content to build stronger relationships with linking sites. We hope you have learnt the strategies and techniques to find backlinking mechanics through Google to improve your overall online presence. 

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