How Many Backlinks Per Day Are Safe?

How Many Backlinks Per Day Are Safe?

A common question in SEO prevails is How many backlinks can you create each day without any problems? It is normal to want to know how to improve your site’s rankings quickly. Everyone thinks that adding too many backlinks too quickly can get you in trouble. Unfortunately, these questions aren’t that straightforward. As with many other SEO aspects, Cloud Vertix has a logical stance to consider this. Sometimes thousands of backlinks go useless, while sometimes a couple of links give you a breakthrough. Let’s find out solution to this mystery of how many backlinks are safe to create for better redirected and organic traffic. 

Don’t Make It Spammy.

As readers continue to see positive press on news and opinion sites and their backlinks keep increasing, sometimes they send hundreds or thousands of backlinks to these editorial sites each day or even each minute. Let’s say you just created a website and have not yet built any backlinks to it. But you have a great business idea and managed to get some positive press. Overnight, your business explodes in viral fashion. The same goes for the number of backlinks on your site. They send out more backlinks as more people see the positive press. This could be hundreds or even thousands of editorial backlinks per day. This is obviously an SEO’s greatest dream.  

How is Google's Response to Viral Popularity?

This does happen quite frequently in the real world. However, are you sure Google should penalize sites that have received this many links from websites that gain popularity overnight? You should be screaming at your computer, “Of course not!” If this were the case, websites that suddenly go viral or gain overnight popularity would be penalized. If backlinks were penalized, we could simply sabotage competitors by creating too many backlinks to their websites. Negative backlinking attacks would never end. 

There is no fixed limit to the number you can gain each day. Google’s algorithm doesn’t work like that. Last but not least, from Google, SEO experts say that there is no penalty related to how many backlinks are received per day, month, or year. In other words, there really is no penalty. 

You Should Focus on Quality Over Quantity

Personally, you do not care as much about the quantity of backlinks as you do about the quality of backlinks you are pursuing since they should look natural. We recommend articles that are long and well-written. You needn’t worry about how many backlinks you gain in a single day. Instead, you should focus on the quality of in-context links from high-quality articles that include images and bullet points as well as relevant keywords. 

Answer to Question

Our focal question continues How many backlinks per day are safe to create? This is one question we can get pulled from our yearlong SEO services. Our team of experts says that three times per week from colleagues or partnered websites you work with. We will cover the three types of backlinks we use the most. 

Plank Links 

The number of plank links you build per day depends on the keyword difficulty, how old your website is, and how many backlinks you have in total so far. If you are trying to rank for a medium-difficulty keyword or a low-difficulty keyword, you’re probably good with 100 to 200 plank links in a day. This also depends on factors like your website structure and the quality of the content on your website.  

GSA Search Engine Ranker Links 

We mostly use GSA Search Engine Ranker links for building buffer sites like Web 2.0, document-sharing websites, and similar platforms You can be the first to use document-sharing sites for buffers to beat your competitors . If you visit our Fiverr, you will see how many orders you received from this strategy. 

 Manual Backlinks 

For manual backlinking, You use BuzzBundle to research and find targets where You can post a comment with a backlink to our website. When doing manual backlinks, it is important not to use your keyword as your name. For example, you should not use your keyword as your name if you are commenting on a blog post. The reason is that it’s 99% certain the blog owner will not approve the comment.  

 Website Structure 

The website structure is very crucial because most people do not pay attention to it. They just build a website, put content on it, and try to run a blog post. However, you should always structure your website, making sure it has a silo structure. It has been proven over the past eight years that silo structures work the most effectively, providing the best results when used properly.  


If your website is not old enough and you are trying to rank for a medium search keyword, it will be difficult. For example, your content should be of 2500 words. Articles on the web are Trendier to become longer and longer. You should use 500 words, then 700 words, and now it has become 2500 words as per Google criteria. As the article is longer as it will be the better the content for the better the results. 


BuzzBundle empowers you to connect your social presence to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. For example, if you have a website about digital marketing, you can connect your social accounts and join relevant groups. You must see that your content is human-written, nicely written, and has good images, and even videos if necessary. 


Scrapebox can be used for manual commenting on blog posts. Watch videos on YouTube to learn how to do this effectively. You can make around 20 comments, and probably five of them will get approved. Using Google search with timeframes like the past 24-48 hours can help you find fresh content in your niche where you can leave comments. 


Do not create thousands of backlinks to a single blog post. Your website’s link juice flows from your homepage to your inner pages. Build backlinks to your homepage and then to the inner pages. Cloud Vertix recommends creating a minimum and maximum of three backlinks if your website is strongly complete. It is important because sending thousands of backlinks to a single blog post often results in nothing. Google can penalize your website. So you should use an appropriate number of backlinks as per the level of the website. 

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