PPC Marketing

PPC Services For Businesses

Get Pay-per-Click Services For Instant Traffic to Your Website

Did you ever wish you could just have instant traffic to your website? This shouldn't be any traffic, but highly targeted traffic? Our Pay-per-click marketing can make your instant traffic wishes come true.

From Google Ads to Facebook ads

Transition seamlessly from Google Ads to Facebook Ads with our expert strategies, ensuring consistent engagement and optimal ROI across both platforms.

Remarketing / retargeting

Re-engage your audience with precision through our tailored remarketing and retargeting campaigns, turning previous visitors into loyal customers.

Program covers

What is Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Pay-per-click marketing, otherwise known as PPC, is simple to grasp. We strategize planning to run ads about your company. These ads display online when users search particular keywords in Google, Yahoo, or Bing. Our ads running services also display on millions of web pages online and have to do with your product or service. Visitors become interested in clicking on the ad when surfers reach your ad. Following they get redirected to your website to turn into potential lead generation. 

Our PPC Management Services

You Own The Account

You have full control and ownership of your ad account. We just manage it for you.

Optimize For Conversions

We focus on getting more leads and sales, not just clicks.

Clear Reports

We provide simple and easy-to-understand reports on your ad performance.

Flexible Contracts

No long-term commitments. You can choose to stop anytime.

Dedicated Account Manager

You get a personal account manager to handle your needs and questions.

Custom Strategies

We create ad strategies tailored to your specific business goals.

How is the Efficiency of PPC

Our experts manage your spending budget to bring you the most affordable traffic possible. PPC allows you to be on the first page of the Search Engines compared with SEO. They show up immediately on top SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) for highly competitive keywords. Our team works on keywords to rank those keywords that may otherwise be impossible to rank as of search results due to high competition. Our PPC services can bring instant customers to your business to generate a return on investment in a very short matter of time.

How Much Does It Cost of PPC?

A bid sets the price paid each time someone clicks on your ad. As the higher the bid for the keywords targeted is, likewise the higher your ad position will be on the SERPs. The higher the click-through rate you will get, the more relevant your ads are. This will output higher quality scores that can lessen your cost per click and improve your ad position. They will get directed to a specific page on your website when users click on your PPC ads; this page is called the landing page and should be designed to convert traffic into customers.

We Analyze Remarketing in PPC

We conduct an effective analysis with an option within AdWords PPC is remarketing. We can retarget your previous website visitors who have yet to convert or those that you want to convert again for renewal or repeat business. Our retargeting ads service will help appear to them whenever they visit websites that are part of the Google Network, which consists of billions of web pages. You can track them every time someone visits your website to your services. Likewise, we can continually display ads in front of them until they become a paying customer for you. After all, those who have already shown interest by visiting your website should be considered highly qualified leads and worth repeated marketing towards.

Frequently asked questions

How Much Does It Cost of PPC?

 A bid sets the price paid each time someone clicks on your ad. As the higher the bid for the keywords targeted is, likewise the higher your ad position will be on the SERPs. The higher the click-through rate you will get,  the more relevant your ads are. This will output higher quality scores that can lessen your cost per click and improve your ad position. They will get directed to a specific page on your website when users click on your PPC ads; this page is called the landing page and should be designed to convert traffic into customers. 

How We Shape Budget and Tracking

One of the great attributes of PPC is that we can strategize a desired bid with a budget on a daily or monthly basis. Your ads will automatically stop showing so that you will not have to pay further when you reach your budget or time limit. Every keyword we establish triggers your ads, and the click-through rate and the cost per click for every keyword are tracked and measured. This allows for the cost per click to be weighed tely against conversions or sales to determine your ROI.

We conduct an effective analysis with an option within AdWords PPC is remarketing. We can retarget your previous website visitors who have yet to convert or those that you want to convert again for renewal or repeat business. Our retargeting ads service will help appear to them whenever they visit websites that are part of the Google Network, which consists of billions of web pages. You can track them every time someone visits your website to your services. Likewise, we can continually display ads in front of them until they become a paying customer for you. After all, those who have already shown interest by visiting your website should be considered highly qualified leads and worth repeated marketing towards. 

When a visitor looks up your website and leaves, do you call them? Of course not. You do not have their phone number. Do you email them? No, you do not have their email address. Then how do you follow up with visitors to your website who leave behind no contact information? With remarketing, we can follow up with every visitor who comes to your website by displaying targeted ads in front of them out of a selection of billions of web pages online. A visitor will come to your website, leave, and then begin seeing ads about you everywhere they go online. This is effective purposes and costs nothing unless they click on the banner ad. 

Now, you may be thinking displaying your ads everywhere online for previous visitors to your website could be annoying to them. This is why we have advanced settings to control the following:  

  • How long ads are displayed for 
  • How often do they  
  • show 
  • Such frequency between displaying ads?  

Retargeting is the only way to market to those who have come to your website and left without leaving you their contact information. This is the vast majority of all your visitors. If you are not running retargeting, then you are wasting the opportunity to keep your brand in front of every visitor that ever comes to your website.  

While the concept of PPC may be simple. However, the PPC campaign requires highly technical skills. We have extensive experience planning, running, and monitoring PPC campaigns with a dedicated team to make your campaign a success. Let us help you increase leads and customers through PPC so you can focus on building and running your business. We will undertake an in-depth consultation with you to understand your business and quickly determine what PPC strategy will work for you.  

Advantages of PPC Over Traditional Advertising

With other forms of advertising—billboard, print, TV, or radio—you get a wide reach but risk having no one actually visiting your website. With PPC, you get what you pay for. The PPC internet advertising model fosters much more control than traditional advertising. There are a number of targeting options to reach your customers. Some of these options are by:

  • Device
  • Languages
  • Number of days of the week
  • Specific times in the day

The mode of strategy depends on your campaign settings. It controls your ads to appear on multiple locations and sites. These are protocols the Google, Bing, and Yahoo networks' algorithms use based on age, gender, interests, and many more. Cloud Vertix leads the campaign to give you more control over your marketing options than any other marketing medium in the world.

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Let us Help in Your PPC Campaigns.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can instantly generate highly targeted traffic to your website.